The Technology of Sex in 2011

Want to sext pictures of new sex positions to your partner? Well now there’s an app for that.


Dr. Sexy Time has introduced a new app for the iPhone and iPod Touch that provides a huge variety of sex-related services, including the following:

1. Sex position guide. Provides new sex positions to try, as well as tips for “maximizing” the experience. Woot!

2. A sex power hour. Bringing us all back to dorm rooms in college, this app will show a different sex position every minute. Be sure to bring some Gatorade along for that ride.

3. Recreate sex scenes. Want to act out the sex scenes from your favorite movies? Now you can! This part of the app will walk you through them. Most excellent!

4. Homework. Bringing us all back to the corners of the library in college, this app gives sex assignments for you and your partner to go “from beginner to sexpert.” Better than algebra!

5. A sexual playlist. You can rate your favorite positions and make a playlist, essentially, that will go through your favorite moves.

This is totally awesome. My favorite features are that it encourages sharing sex ideas with a partner (via the sexting feature) and that it encourages frequent changes of positions (a sex power hour seems like a little much, but a playlist in which you can decide how long you want to stay in each position before switching is a great idea). I’m loving the way that technology is normalizing sexual communication and experimentation, and though I wish that I had thought of and designed that app, I nonetheless tip my hat and wish them great success!

About JuliasThoughts

Scientist, feminist, sex aficionado, stickler for grammar.
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